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- Collective Farm Woman Cantaloupe
Collective Farm Woman Cantaloupe
Collective Farm Woman Cantaloupe
80-ish days - Ukraine
Cucumis melo var. inodorus
A perfect short season cantaloupe for the mountains! Small, greenish yellow fruits grow abundantly on vining plants. White flesh with a high sugar content. Fast, hardy-for-a-melon, this is the one to try if you think you can't grow a melon.
Adapted to cooler, short seasons.
Fruits vary in size but can be 7"-10" in diameter.
Perfect for two. Or one.
Delicious, sweet, juicy flesh cools you down in late summer heat.
Direct sow 1" deep after the soil has warmed. Plant in the warmest place you've got, melons love warmth. You an start them inside but cucurbits don't love transplanting so I prefer to direct seed. I find this helps with their fast growing momentum early on.
20 seeds
Original Seed from Vibrant Earth Seeds