- Wild Seed
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- Bigflower Cinquefoil
Bigflower Cinquefoil
Bigflower Cinquefoil - Potentilla fissa - Perennial
Such a beautiful thing! I love this flower so much. Numerous soft yellow flowers branch out from the base. Foliage is soft and pretty with incised leaflets. Grows to about 1'. The 5-petaled flowers can be 1" wide. It plays nice with others - check it out in the second picture dancing along with Penstemon virens - delightful!
Plant in fall or stratify for 1-2 months. It really like to go through winter. Since it is a perennial, give it a minute to grow up and get established. Patience is always required when direct seeding native wildflowers. You can stratify them and start in pots to set out in spring. You can also set planted pots out in a winter cold frame to let them come up as they please.
Barely cover the seed.
Limited Quantity - small batch.