- Wild Seed
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- Fireweed
Fireweed - Chamaenerion angustifolium - Perennial
After the fire that burned La Veta Pass and beyond, I stopped on the summit to have a look around. The first thing I saw was a stunning display of hot pink, very showy flowers doing what they do best. These plants are called Fireweed because they show up after a fire and are a part of the recovery of the area.
This plant grows in open meadows, along the edge of the forest, near water, in gravelly soil, in part shade, in rock crevices, it is highly adaptable. It does appreciate well drained soil. I find it all over the Rockies. It blooms from the bottom of the stem to the top.
It will make a stand! It will send out runners and once established you will have a glorious explosion of hot pink. Fireweed honey is known for high quality.
This plant is edible, medicinal, fragrant, provides nectar for bees and hummingbirds and is just so beautiful. If you don't like a plant that does well, Fireweed is not for you. Give it room and plenty to water to get started and then let 'er rip!
Sow the seeds in fall on the surface or cool, moist stratify for 30 days.