- Wild Seed
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- Saltbush
Four-Wing Saltbush - 5,000-7,000’
Atriplex canascens
Drought tolerant long lived perennial shrub grows high and low all over the west. The seeds have four wings and are quite showy. Grey green leaves on woody stems. Used for centuries as fuel, dye, medicine and the ashes were used for the nixtamalization of maize. Often grows in great colonies and plants are most often dioecious, (some plants are males, some are females), but this plant can change sex whenever environmental conditions dictate. Super cool staple of the high and dry garden. Showy in seed. Yellow flowers.
Plant in fall or winter in groups of ten seeds, on the third year when the plant sets seed, you can thin them so one male to every five females remain. This plant can grow 1-8' in height and width. Prefers sandy, gravelly seed and low water.