It was a difficult summer for me. All along I've been reporting on how great it was for us - and it was - we rocked out more food than ever and had incredible abundance in the gardens. But I just didn't feel good this summer. Perhaps it was from the heat, my right leg hurt, my arms were heavy and it felt like I could get nothing accomplished. Other people told me they actually felt nauseated from the heat.
Hey - I'm a mountain woman - I can't do heat. Basically I lurked in the shade - moving from tree to tree and under any kind of cover. Then I'd try to beat the dark and do all my chores from 6-9pm.
It seems like summer just ended with these first snows - we've been enjoying the warmth all this time.
I'm awake now though and the other day I went through some pictures and realized what a wonderful mountain summer it was. Here is an eclectic group of experiences and moments.